Define the terms first:
Dialogue Means Nothing- Use facial expressions, have one character not listening to other dialogue can be a lie (Jeff sounds like he has nothing planned as Throvald walks in the room and converses with him and advances towards him but actually he had a light bulb in his hand ready to use)
Keep the Story Simple- linear and streamlined, story simple but characters complex
Characters Must Break Cliche- characters must be unique and do the unexpected, lisa breaks into the apartment, Thorvald respectable murderer
Use Humor to Add Tension- characters in ironic situations (In the last scene when Stella says I don't want any part of her it adds humor to the story)
Two Things Happening at Once- distract audience, when Thorvald was hiding the knife, when Thorvald was coming to the house and Miss lonely heart trying to kill herself (In the last scene as Thorvald is strangling Jeff , LIsa, Stella and the detectives are entering Thorvald's apartment)
Suspense is Information- dog kept going back to the dirt
Surprise and Twist- the son is the mom, Rear window has moments where Thorvald looks innocent, (When Thorvald pushes him out of the window)
Warning May Cause MacGuffin- the driving symbol that pushes the story forward, the thing that everybody wants, Phycho-40,000 bucks