Filled with envy and revenge
Haunting every one except its targets
2. The silly little girls out in the wood
Kill so many with out evidence
Attempt to avoid their sins
3. They saw little birds, needles, and names
What they saw was themselves with devil
Fear turned to attack of a internal fight
4. Adultery forgotten in commandment
A mistake that made a monster
Elizabeth was the target
A needle in a poppet was the weapon
5. The crazy went on with Danforth's pride
The girls words were sacred their word like gold
Witchery was a "ipso jacto" from victims gold
Cannot be seen but always around
6. Hale saw the injustice
He was stripped away of his first knowledge
His heart softened for proctors cry for goodness
7. The judges feared the spirits
The horrible touch that was never seen
Experience by the girls with great disguise
8. Mary was ready for the truth
The truth seemed so much farther than perjury
She held on to the lie that saved her from the ropes
9. Elizabeth with child was quietly struck
She saw proctors eyes and couldn't tell the truth
If she only new the truth would set her free
But how could she when the truth was such a lie
10. Waiting for his death
proctor had second thoughts
Of what could be with Elizabeth
A second chance to live with out a monster
11. Some kept their truth
but some were stripped of it
The truth was a lie in the world
but right in the heart
12. Proctor strives for that truth
It was something he never had
But finally he has his goodness in heart
He had it where it counted in heaven
13. Silly little girl playing in the woods
one got away and ran away loose